Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gulab Jamun (Milk Balls)

I must say I am not much interested in cooking.  I like to look at food and dream about eating it, but making it is just not my thing.

 Recently, Hubby, I and our good friends , went to an Indian restaurant and enjoyed a brilliant meal which ended in a dessert called Milk Balls.  They brought a dish with two golf sized balls soaking in a syrup.  I was so full that I was only able to eat one and regretted it all the next day because I craved the one I left behind.   I went on-line and found a recipe which wasn't quite right.  I soldiered on and finally found  THE RIGHT ONE  I changed the sugar syrup though.  I added a pinch of cinnamon and 1/2 cup more sugar and 1/2 cup less water.  I also used all the seeds from the cardamom pod.

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Homemade Kegerator

We found this cool little fridge on sale at a local building supply store for $49.00

  This was exciting as we could cut the innards away without the loss of efficiency.    We cut a template of the base for two Corny's and realized we could squish them in as long as the moldings on the sides of the fridge were removed. (The ones that hold the racks.)  He took his grinder and started to cut out all the unnecessary insides.

  He cut out the door panel leaving the perimeter of the plastic to hold the gasket seal in place.

  He also had to grind some of the foam on the sides down as this unit will eventually house one corny for beer and the other for water.   He drilled two holes through the top of the fridge.  We silicon-ed the tubes in the holes.  One is for the CO2 to enter the corny and the other is for the beer to exit.

  We purchased a CO2 bottle from a local distributor. (Not shown)  We use it to fill our cylinder for carbonated water and the one shown below (with the gauges), for beer.  You will have to do some research on whether you will buy or rent a cylinder in your area  We built a holder for the dispenser handle and placed it on top of the fridge using silicone.

  The keg parts were purchased on-line from a pretty reasonable Canadian supplier OBK.  Our American neighbors interested in Kegerators, will be able to find their parts cheaper from various websites.  Shop around.  We found a lot of American suppliers, but shipping is far to expensive for Canadian consumers.  That's all there is to it.  Looks like I will be sealing the plywood for drips!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

This and That

The new Laundry Area.

A new Orchard!

A homemade Kegerator

Guest Bathroom progress

A cute thing that happened.  Some stuff dried on a spoon and this is the result.  Kinda weird but made me smile!  Not really a blog post but I wanted to share it!

Adding a door to the new Master Bedroom.

The new Master Bedroom area.

The old Master Bedroom area. (The new Laundry Room/Master Closet area) You are looking at our old closet!

A Wedding Pergola from an old play structure.

A new paint color for the Kitchen.
Hopefully, some of these projects will be finished soon.  The kitchen is almost completed.  I bought some molding for the upper wall which I still need to install and paint.