Wednesday, December 23, 2015

It's a Dog's Life!

Dog lovers are pretty easy nuts to crack when it comes to Christmas.
Anything for their furbaby and they are over the moon.
  I was cruising the internet looking for inspiration
and saw this cute idea on Hometalk.

pallet wood signs, crafts, home decor, painting, pallet, woodworking projects, This was made for our local city pet benefit auction might make one for myself though
An adorable sign
and so true too!

I created an assembly line and went to work.

I bought some 1x8 boards and cut them into
12' lengths. 

Painted each board with brown acrylic craft paint and let dry.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Twas The Night Before Linky Party (A Gift Exchange)

Twas the night before Linky Party
And all through the Blog
Feral Turtle was typing
strung out on egg nog

Dreaming of packages
Tied up with strings
Turtle drank spirits 
Spying wonderful things.

Friday, November 20, 2015

A Special Birthday Gift

My crazy talented blog buddy created an amazing work of art for Mr. FT's birthday.
Being a "special" birthday, I wanted something that
would be unique and memorable.
to the rescue. 
I ran a few personalized ideas by her and she did the rest...EVERYTHING, PERFECTLY!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Halloween Paint Tips

Painting tips 101

Sidewalks make a nice pit stop to clean the excess paint from your brush

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Grape Chili Jelly

Welcome to our Zone 3 Vineyard where we are world renowned for our
 famous wines and jellies!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015

An Ikea Hack with Besta TV Units

The day was sunny, and unbearably hot.
The Boss was young, cute, extremely chatty and somewhat demanding
Her Mommy was an amazing cook.
The job was an Ikea hack.
This is our story.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Summer Happenings and Root Beer Floats

I have an excuse for being MIA......
Really I do!
Mr. FT is on his "Workcation" 
 and you know what they say,
"When the cat's away the mice will play"

So I kicked up my heels by adding on to the wood shed

and painting......

and hanging ladders

and more painting......
and some shingles were applied thanks to a special helper!
Unfortunately I lost my helper for the other side due to weather conditions and timing.
A bit of sheathing on the bottom edge, fascia board and a few sistered rafters were doctored in for a safer roof
.  Note to self....Don't let things get this bad EVER.

Old shed doors were fixed and what the paint for you too shed!

and aluminum fascia was installed.

and a gas line and dryer were installed thanks to my awesome manchild.
Thanks Manchild!
You can see the start of the laundry room HERE and HERE......

and maybe one day there will be a link for the finish of it!

and some homemade laundry soap was made...see the glass jar below!
I used Nana Diana's recipe which I couldn't find as I was rushing about,
 but here is the link to her blog!
It is amazing!

I was glad to rip this out of the wall.  It was the old birds nest  dryer vent!
and buttoned it up until we decide what siding the house will wear.

and baby gifts were made

and some soap was made which means new soap recipes are coming soon....

and had a surprise Zombie Karaoke Birthday bash with family, thanks to my dear children....
They just couldn't let it go that their momma turned twenty nine for the UMPTEENTH time.

BTW, you ever notice how well you can sing after a few beers?

and Mowed and Mowed and MOWED lawns...about 6 acres worth.....over and over and over again.

and built some new steps off the less used side of the deck with some
 scavenged supplies from around the old homestead.

and tended to all the plantings, praying they don't die before Mr. FT gets home.
He's got the green thumb and he actually cooks with this stuff...who knew!  

and dressed up the wood shed with a star my sister made me. I might have scared the neighbors too with my pentagram blue grass.  That's right neighbors....don't pi$$ me off or I will cast one of my evil spells!
I did this for all my American friends....ok that's not true.  I just like the way the blue pops against  red.  This star needed a safe place until the house is sided and where better than the wood shed.

And stayed cool in my craft room working on more wedding bouquets.
yep that's a skull for a goth or biker or just one cool bride or groom!
and mulched some new tree plantings to help in this drought.  On the upside, mowing duties have slowed down considerably!

and more branches were cut to make way for our forest trail.

And some healthy juicing was done...

and wasp nests were destroyed and then angered....yes turtles can move pretty quickly when they need to

and lastly....the start of an outhouse in my north pasture....just in case some brave campers come!

  Perhaps I will get it done in time to post before summer is gone.

Stay cool, keep laughing and I apologize for my absence!
I disabled my comments link now that I know how to do it!
  I will be away from the internet for awhile but not too long!


Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Wood Shed

In the creation of this wood shed, I actually learned a few things:
Joining the ranks of wood burning is
 less romantic than it seems and
 shed building, as I have discovered,
 isn't as easy as YouTube makes it look.
The Easy Shed
and my inspiration picture.

You are probably wondering
 how safe a" turtle built shed" could be, I thought I would
 add that no children or pets will be housed in there
 although I am not opposed to Mr. Turtle occasionally
 seeking residence, but only when he can't see things my way!
Also, I think Mr. FT hides his chainsaw in fear of me sawing my head off,
and chocolate flavored cereal is just wrong!

Saddled with my tool pouch and cordless drill, I went to work.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Timeout Stool

The secret to great children is
"Always Eat Dessert First"!
If you don't
then you will probably need a time-out stool!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Cutting A Circle On A Table Saw

It was a day of planting trees and fighting off swarming bees. 

grow my little babies!

 After picking up never ending storm remains and fighting off more bees......

 I backed into this pile only to get a sliver in my butt!

  I also cut two circles on a table saw.....I really did.
(and fought off more bees)
and didn't cut my fingers off...

You can see how to do it on this YouTube video. 

 I don't think Mr. Circle guy invented the wheel but he
 showed me how to make one, so cheers to him.

I found this cool thing on Pinterest that involves circles, which I would show you,
 but then I would have to kill you and hide your body in my
 basement somewhere, and that might smell. 
 After all, I just finished cleaning it out. 
But do stay tuned to see what becomes of my tablesaw circles.

No harm will come to you!!!
Image result for cartoon fingers crossed

Now to find a mirror with ample magnification
for butt sliver removal.

Friday, April 17, 2015

The Beating Hearth Goes Public

My dear bloggy friend Heather, from
created this treasured one of a kind pillow for me!
I guess she must like me or perhaps she's waiting for me to win the lottery so I can share my winnings.  I am pretty sure it's the latter as my odds are pretty good.  I buy a ticket usually once a year and I am banking my retirement on it.

And now you can have one of her gorgeous works of art too!

She has finally started her own business, and will create
 custom quilts which will surely become treasures.

Here are a few examples of her creative talents at work.

You can jump on the bus and

 visit her at 


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Reclaiming My Basement - Part Two

After consuming half a Costco chicken due to nail breakage (fingernails not finishing nails), I was ready to tackle room two.  

  Moving shelving units around and sorting through Mr. FT's beer brewing hobby, left me feeling good about who the hoarder in the family really is! 

KIDS eh!

Yikes.  I went to the local building store to pick up a transition strip...
$32.99 for what I don't even think was an eight foot piece. FOR ONE PIECE?????
Who likes matchy matchy anyways.

This gorgeous wall covering has to go....Is't like epoxy coating meets flaky pastry.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated and pondered
 while I start on the second half of that chicken.

Look what happened last week

How can I be sad about a tree when I am looking at this guy!
Señor Pickle