Thursday, October 15, 2015

Halloween Paint Tips

Painting tips 101

Sidewalks make a nice pit stop to clean the excess paint from your brush

 With the rough surface of a concrete sidewalk, stroke your brush up and down and side to side.
This will ensure that most of the paint is removed from your brush prior to hitting the sink.

Sometimes accidents happen.  
You will need to wipe your hands on the hard concrete, taking advantage of that rough surface again.
Bleach and water won't work and remember, those UV lights can get right into the sewers.
Weather is your best friend.  Acid rain will wash away all the evidence  anything. 

Continue until most of the "paint" is off your hand
Sometimes the sides of the blocks are a little rougher, kinda like a pumice stone.  It will leave your hands feeling baby soft.

And that my friends, is how you clean up after a messy "painting" session!



  1. LOL- MyHero would have a massive heart attack if I put paint on anything concrete around here....hmmm.. Cute idea!!!! xo Diana

  2. But, wait, how will you clean it up from the pavement once Halloween is over? :)

  3. I'm thinking chalk might be better than paint.....maybe easier on your hands, anyway! In this climate, we would probably be waiting a long time before rain would wash away paint or chalk!

  4. Love this Karen, You are so much fun and your ideas are so cute. Have a nice weekend. See you when I get back. xo

  5. Someone certainly loves Halloween...or zombies...LOL! ;)

  6. I want to come trick or treating at your how this year! We are like 1 of 3 people who decorate for Halloween in our neighborhood and that makes me sad. I really appreciate those, like you, who go to the effort to decorate for the holiday!

  7. The scariest houses were always the BEST to trick or treat at when I was a kid. Trick or treaters or party guests and ghouls would love to be greeted with a welcome like this. Such scary fun, Karen!!

  8. I see that you are still a bit crazy... I should do this project with my feet.. they are really in need of softening up after going barefoot all summer long.... I don't usually decorate for halloween but my neighbor does.. she hangs a life size witch on a broom in her hallway and a life size one by the kitchen.... she scares me a little.. are ya'll kin?

  9. So funny. Hope the rains washes it off in time for Christmas.

  10. Karen, you're a hoot! Of course, I can't help but wonder how it will come off?? Turn them over maybe?

  11. You're so fun! Can we come trick or treat at your house?


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