Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hair Shampoo Bars

I have made Castile soap for years and have shared my method and recipe here.
Now I want to share my shampoo bar recipe.  
  My FERAL hair still needs conditioner, but  Mr. FT, on the other hand, does not use conditioner and doesn't seem to have the wild fly-aways!
Here's a picture of both shampoo bars after a few uses.   I have given you the recipe for the white bars. 

I love this wonderful calculator Majestic Mountain Sage has on their website.

I mix my lye solution in a glass canning jar placed in my sink.  That way if an accident occurs, my drain gets cleaned!
If you decide to make this, do some research into soap making,  read all the instructions first and follow very carefully!  Soap making can be dangerous!  

Shampoo Bar

10 ounces Olive oil
10 ounces Coconut oil
3 ounces Castor Oil
3 ounces Grapeseed Oil 
2 ounces Cocoa Butter
2 ounces Shea Butter
1 ounce Beeswax
4.3 ounces lye
5 ounces coconut milk
5 ounces water
.2 ounces Eucalyptus essential oil
.9 ounces lime essential oil
.9 ounces peppermint essential oil
(or whatever oil scent you prefer up to two ounces) 

Heat until melted, the oils, butters and wax in a stainless steel pot. 

All the pics are from another batch I made using a different recipe. 
 I added red palm oil to my soap in hopes that it would make me a Sassy Redhead! 
 Unfortunately, it didn't!

They get added just before you pour your soap into molds.
Cool oils and butters to 110 degrees.

While your oil mix is cooling....

Measure water and coconut milk into a quart canning jar.  Place in sink and add 4.3 ounces of lye into the water - coconut milk mix. 

I stir this mixture with a wooden skewer a few times throughout the cooling.
 Cool lye mixture to 110 degrees.
Pour lye mixture into oil mixture and stir.  Get out your hand blender and mix until soap reaches trace.  It will become thicker with a pudding like consistency. 

You can ADD ESSENTIAL OILS now.  Mix thoroughly and pour into a mold.  

You can use a plastic container lined with saran wrap, or a wooden box lined with plastic wrap.  You can buy soap molds too.  

Let sit for a few days, in a warm area, wrapped in a blanket. 

  It should be very firm now so it can be removed from the mold and cut into bar shape pieces.
Let cure for approximately two weeks.  I did a PH test on this batch and within a week it was at 7 which means go ahead and wash that filthy hair of yours!  If you are unable to do a PH test, let cure for a good few weeks by putting on a rack to let the air flow around the bar. 
After my bars have cured, I put them in shrink wrap, so they are ready for gift giving!

So take it from this sassy haired turtle, it will be a big hit!!


  1. I have never heard of hair shampoo bars before. Interesting! How do these do at taming frizz?

  2. Ooh very nice! I always like receiving handmade gifts like this for Christmas and I love the idea of a hair bar! I'm also a little behind reading blog posts and read down further about your Christmas crafts with friends and the holiday glitter spiders and baklava. So cute and you crack me up with the spider addiction you have going on. :) I wouldn't mind sitting down and making a few of those too if it meant baklava to go with it. haha! :) Sharon

  3. You know I'm gonna make this one day, it's on my DIY bucket list!

  4. Superbe, conseils et recettes! j'adore ton blog!
    Très joli post.
    Belle journée à toi; et merci de tes visites sur mes pages!

  5. Maternity crack me up! I have never heard of shampoo bars either, but it seems like a great idea and I bet they smell wonderful too!

  6. I am so worn out just reading about how much work this is! And I actually don't have an aversion to work, but this might put me over the edge. Will you start putting your new spiders in your soap? :)


  7. It does look like a lot of work, but at least you know exactly what's in your soap. I think I'll try when I have a stove that's better than the one I have!

  8. I am so curious about making soap, but I've not ever made the leap. Thankfully I have you to let me know Lye into water and not vice versa. I am sure I would have blown something up.

  9. This would be such a great idea for the traveler (like my son) because you could take it in your carry-on with having to pass the "dangerous liquid" scrutiny. That way if you loose your luggage, you still have your shampoo. Great tutorial, as well, as I see there are a few tricks to making these. Pinned and love 'em, Karen!!

  10. I plan to make my own shampoo bars! Does the recipe for the orange bar use food coloring or pigment? Can I please have the recipe?

  11. I just found your post. I make shampoo bars and love them Please send me your orange bar recipe. Waiting on pins and needles.

  12. I am curious, I did a batch of shampoo bars that sadly didn't come out well, what is the ingredient that makes Mr. FT able to skip on the conditioner? I am used to seeing most shampoo bar recipes requiring a vinegar rinse or something of the sort.

    1. Hi Unknown!! He said his hair is softer now that he is using the homemade bars. It could be from the olive oil and shea butter that makes it softer. I always use conditioner but do find I don't need as much either. I think it's a mix of the bars with our well water as a few extended family members don't like the bars at all. (different water) Good luck on your quest for the perfect bar. I hope you come back and share the recipe.

  13. Love the ideas.....


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