Thursday, December 12, 2013

Beaded Christmas Spiders

WARNING:  This post is not for the faint at heart.
If you suffer from arachnophobia, please run away!
But if you want to make a unique Christmas ornament, keep reading.

 I saw an amazing family of spiders which peaked my
 interest.  You can see them here:  Heather at the Inspiration Cafe
She is one of the co-authors of Inspiration Cafe and also hosts her own blog
I had to try my hand at these little gems, so I Googled  "beaded spiders"
 and came across a very talented artist!  You can find her
  She has a blog called 365 spiders.  That's right,
 she made 365 spiders in a year; that would be one a day!
  Holy crap!  That's a lot of spiders!  They are amazing.

The tutorial I found on Google, was actually on Instructables which was super easy to follow! 
This is what I came up with.  I was very excited after my first, which let's face it, was pretty crude. 
We will call him Wolfy!

 But after I found some more appropriate beads in my craft room, I was off!
She`s a real lady!

I epoxied small beads onto a larger yucky wooden bead to glam him up!

And then I stopped, cuz I had to go to the dentist.  :(

And now I am back from the dentist armed with  more beads from the Dollar Tree!

And yes....I am building an army!

Of course....Charlotte

 King Tut

They're coming for you......
  Go and make yourself a spider or six!!  I guessing  you will be hooked after your first.
Stay tuned.  I've already finished three more since I posted.  They just keep getting better.

Linking Up With
Pursuit of Functional Home


  1. HOLY SMOKES!! Look at you go. I feel so proud, like a mama teaching her baby eaglet to fly. big tears. Or when Charlotte's baby spiders float away on the breeze, I suppose that would be a more appropriate example. They look great and I love that you've affixed beads on top of beads. So fun!

  2. Normally, I hate spiders, but those are amazing! I especially love the green ones. And what's up with your Dollar Tree carrying cool stuff like beads? Mine has nothing like that!

  3. Hi Karen,

    Whooa! Spiders!!! I wanted to run but these cute little spidey are not to be missed. You make it sound so easy. Building an army of them was a good idea.

  4. I have the worst fear of spiders, but I'm so in love with these!!!! I could see how you can't stop making them, they're like little pets :P

  5. Charlotte is my favourite. She looks a lot prettier than the spider that lives in my front porch!

  6. Very pretty, and so unique. Greetings from Montreal.

  7. Ce sont de magnifiques compositions ! j'aime beaucoup ton travail !
    Thank you and welcome for your visit and for your kind comments on my pages, have a nice day!

  8. Oh wow! You are a spider making nut! I love these..the green ones are my favorite...except for her! Nice job and now you know why we love Heather!

  9. LOL much like I said to heather I love your beaded spiders but I will be keeping my home spider free. Actually my mum gave be some Christmas decorations that looked like silver cockroaches not going to lie I threw them out. These could be really fun for Halloween too.

  10. These are awesome!!!! And I don't dig spiders usually. I'm sorry to hear you had to go to the dentist. I hate going, and my sister is the one who cleans my teeth...that should make it better, but it doesn't. :/

    I only add things to Pinterest once in a blue moon. This one is definitely mooning me. =D



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