Wednesday, September 2, 2015

An Ikea Hack with Besta Units Part Two

As our saga continues, the Boss, being happy with the job thus far, wanted to sit on the bench with no worries of diaper leaks, which could lead to blackmailing evidence in her teen years.

You can see part one HERE.

  This was a job for her Mommy.  Being a master with a brush, she expertly applied her stain and sealer in one. 

After numerous coats, Mommy was delighted with the results.
The last part of this project was to build a door for the center unit to hide the power bar from little fingers.  With a few scraps of wood and some leftover beadboard from my master bedroom makeover,  I was able to create this door!

Mommy painted her new door white to match the rest of the bench.
Power bar tucks neatly inside and the new latch holds the door closed. 
 Mommy did an excellent job with the installation!

The boss was drinking her face off
at the Mommy Bar (not shown), so demanding.

The Before Pics of her $20 table!

The During Pics

The All Done Pics!

Beautiful Mommy!!

The Boss fits for now, but Mommy has decided to purchase some chairs for the 
little milk-o-holic as she won't be in her prison chair for too much longer.

The Boss has been dancing non stop but I couldn't show you those
 pictures cuz, um, well she had a bit too much at the Mommy Bar,
 and forgot her nappy....No one wants to see that, 
but you will wanna see this!

Good Job LouLou Belle!!


  1. I love it! You did such an amazing job on that bench and your an even better teacher!! As so that boss she looks like she can crack the whip. Thanks for sharing your amazing blog and your talent!

  2. That table ?
    Want it
    That bench want it?
    That baby?
    OMG - that baby - WANT IT !!!

  3. The Boss is a cutie! Hope she inherited your awesome skills! The table and bench are fabulous! You are so talented, Karen!!!!

  4. it's so gorgeous, that is my combination too dark wood with some white!
    You're ever so handy... I need to paint my windows and don't even know where and how to start! Can I send them to you? :)

  5. Hi Karen, look at how cute the little boss is!!! Love how everything turned out. You are so talented. The unit with the door is perfection. Gorgeous table in white with dark stained top~ Love it.
    Happy September. cm

  6. OMGosh, you always do such amazing things and have wonderful skills.....the bench, the table....WOW! I'm afraid I would not get anything done with The Boss around! She is absolutely adorable!

  7. I enjoyed this post so much, Karen! What a little doll! Good work, too!

  8. Holy smokes...that whole en-sem-blay is amazing! And, of course...the Boss is BOSS!!!


  9. You know I love the Ikea hack, but that $20 table makeover is killer! Makes me want to go find a cheap table at Goodwill to redo!
    And, boss is still totes adorable!

  10. Love the projects, but please send the baby immediately.

  11. Wow you are a genius! Fabulous transformation!

  12. Wow!! Love how that bench and table turned out. Absolutely gorgeous! And the boss? Absolutely gorgeous!

  13. That has got to be the cutest Boss in the entire world! :) She is precious, my friend. And your table is gorgeous! You are amazing! Hugs

  14. Apart from the adorable boss, my favourite part is the beadboard door you made! I want you to make the doors for my bookshelves in my living-room!

  15. Totally adorable, pink moccasins and all (don't let Mel see them, lol). Love the dark stain against the white paint on both pieces. Does that Cabot stain and sealer work well? I've tried other brands and always get a gummy mess. I would love to know. You three make a GREAT team, keep up the good work and remember to rest up in between projects at the mommy bar!!

  16. Sooo.....clearly you and the Boss are obviously extremely talented. Did I mention I want a farmhouse table for my dining room? I think I need you to get started on that....and I'll pick it up in a couple weeks. ;) I can just tell that you need another project. :) :) :)

  17. OMG, that table is beautiful! And the trailer is darling:)

  18. You are so freskin talented Karen!! Love everything, and the table is fabulous! I have one similar and I've been debating if I should paint it or not. I probably won't, but it's nice to see what it could be :).

  19. Wow, you are always up to something big. Great build! and cutesy baby : )

  20. I like the unit too. I'm so impressed with anyone that is good with woodworking.

  21. Just stopped by to say hey. Hope your day has been a good one.

  22. Wow, the room got a full dose of awesomeness! The bench, art on the wall and table look so good. The boss really knows how to motivate her team! :)


Cheers to great words!

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