Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Wood Shed

In the creation of this wood shed, I actually learned a few things:
Joining the ranks of wood burning is
 less romantic than it seems and
 shed building, as I have discovered,
 isn't as easy as YouTube makes it look.
The Easy Shed
and my inspiration picture.

You are probably wondering
 how safe a" turtle built shed" could be, I thought I would
 add that no children or pets will be housed in there
 although I am not opposed to Mr. Turtle occasionally
 seeking residence, but only when he can't see things my way!
Also, I think Mr. FT hides his chainsaw in fear of me sawing my head off,
and chocolate flavored cereal is just wrong!

Saddled with my tool pouch and cordless drill, I went to work.

With the roof all done,  I climbed up top the next morning with great pride,
  to see trusses more crooked than a corkscrew!
After a lot a bit of cussing and making sawdust

 this happened!

And this

And this

Then temporary paint until I can scrounge some siding.

 Mr. FT is home tomorrow!
Hopefully he will have kind words about the shed
 or he might
 have to take up residence  and eat chocolate flavored cereal.
