Monday, November 28, 2011

Time For The Solar Snowman

Winter is in the air....time of the snowman.   This is a Christmas take on my solar bears; solar snowmen.  I was trying to use up scraps of wood from our renovation project.   Poke around my blog and check out my other scrap wood projects!    You can find my solar bears H E R E !

This is the general pattern.  I freehanded for length and width to make small, medium and large.

I am going to look for some type of hanging light for these guys too.  This was all I could find at the time this the post.



  1. I love your snowmen! I'm right there with you on trying to use every leftover scrap, just can't stand anything to go to waste! Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm now your newest follower

  2. Your snowmen are so adorable and clever! I can't believe that the post actually lights up, my kids would love this!

    Thanks for your comment on my Daddy Diaper Tool Belt! :)

  3. This is so cute. I especially love the garland wrapped post with the candy striped light! Such a nice touch. I would totally copy you 100% if I wasn't buried under my stinking closet! Pinning for next year!

  4. This is adorable! Saw this via Sawdust & Paperscraps!!!

  5. These are just so cute. I love the painting job you did on them too. You artsy girl you. Thanks for sharing them on Motivated Monday at BeColorful.

  6. well, i can hardly read this b/c of the background and the color of the font, i think, but the snowmen are ridiculously cute. i love snowmen!


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