Friday, September 12, 2014

Building The Framework for a Rocket Stove/Pizza Oven...A New Deck

Deck building 101 will not be taught at this blog, but checkout these abs from our latest construction escapade!

Yep that's me and Mr. FT looking fit!
I'm too sexy for my shirt.....

Okay this never happened.

But this happened....
Of course I forgot to take the before pics which would have consisted of two flower planters, flanking each side of three small steps.

Our son in-law came out to give us a hand!  Thanks Tickle!

Guess I should have pulled the tan in a can out.....
Mr.FT and myself, enjoying a cold glass of H2O.
  32.5 degrees celsius on this day (in the shade)....I think that's like 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
  Hot as hell! 

All done the boards

A quick picture just after we put the tools away...

Then this...and it really did happen!
Too bad I wasn't outside for this hail storm.  I think those nuggets could have put some color into those little white legs!

Stay tuned for the Rocket Stove addition to our deck.
   Comes complete with a hand built pizza oven and a pizza chef....Mr FT   hehe.


  1. WOW! Your new deck is fantastic! I've always wanted a deck. And 6 pack abs... and a tan..but no hailstones ...
    Now we need to go shopping for that new deck furniture :-)

  2. ... and that deck can be your catwalk on which you can shake your little tush.
    Is Mr. FT listening to the Blue Collar Comedy big deck skit now?
    I can only imagine all the hours of enjoyment you are going to get from this addition, I mean, once the snow melts and all.

  3. Oh yeah, that's the look The Man and I are aiming toward as we huff and puff and moan and groan through our 3 times per week gym routine.....HA! That ship has sailed for these 65+ bodies!

    Your deck is going to be beautiful! I'm anxious to see your pizza oven, because our son built one in his backyard in Scottsdale -- that would be the house they just sold to move to VA. Hope the new owners appreciate & use the oven like our son did.

  4. That is one helluva deck!!!! Being quite the carpentry handywoman myself, I looked and saw it was built to LAST come hail or high water. Now make sure you treat it with a good weather-beater stain.

  5. Will the workouts be held on that deck? They sure should be, as should lots and lots of bbqs, porch parties and anything goes. It's awesome and it looks heavy duty as heck. I can't believe your are making a pizza oven (I've never known anyone with a pizza oven before!!) Beautiful job and can't wait to see more.

  6. Hail yes, that's one way to cool it down. Awesome deck project. Luckily, with the fast temperature drop, it wasn't served up with a plate of tornado.

    La Verne@hopeandsalvage

  7. It seems to be coming along nicely! Wanna send that handy son in law my way? We will be building steps on our deck tomorrow. Something I am NOT looking forward to.

  8. Oh your deck is gorgeous and I love that you guys did it yourself. Those hail stones are phenomenal! Dang!! I cannot wait to see your rocket stove. If you had posted it now, I probably would have woke Sam up to see it! He is a pizza maker and I think he'll love the idea. Nice legs!

  9. Love the deck! It is gorgeous and will be such nice entertaining space. I am patiently waiting to build a big porch on the front of my home....hopefully next year! Looking forward to seeing the rocket stove! And...that hail is HUGE! Hope it didn't hurt your vehicles!
    Blessings, Vicky

  10. We built a deck last year. Or should I say we had one built. We are not nearly as resourceful as you! That's a huge project!

    Compared to my legs, yours are as dark as tootsie rolls,

    Those hail stones are HUMUNGOUS!

  11. Awesome awesome awesome, you're going to love having that in the warmer months. Looks fantastic but wow that hail was huge.

  12. It looks amazing! And like a noce plac to enjou a drink. Feel free to come build the same for me at the Cottage!

  13. I have got to meet your SIL, Tickle! Great name. :) and you want me to move up there, one minute it's as hot as your pizza oven and the next you've got hail as big as my head? HELL NO. :) I mean, I could probably be persuaded....with some pizza. Great looking deck and legs, and feet...hello Mr FT.

  14. Crap, I meant to say HAIL NO. sigh. Opportunity lost.

  15. Hey I need you and your crew right here! I need to build a deck but the ugly part...It's a second story deck and my mister had no idea how to cut a piece of wood! :/ I'm turning green! Your deck looks awesome, and you're adding a stove/pizza oven?! You're going big, like that hail! Can't wait to see more!

  16. Wow! Your deck turned out amazing!! Those hail stones are quite frightening. I've never seen them sooo big. Can't wait to see the pizza oven. I do love me some pizza.

  17. That is one well-built deck. It is good you were NOT outside when the hail fell. Those hailstones look like they might hurt a noggin.

  18. That. Deck. Is. AWESOME! And looking at that first picture of you, WE COULD BE TWINS! was like looking in a mirror I tell you.



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