Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Chai Gift Cards

This is an easy Christmas card and gift in one
  I dug out some card stock from my stash.

I headed over to The Graphics Fairy and had a look at her labels.  Thanks again Graphics Fairy.

  I found one that had tea
 written all over it...
"Galon de Coton" means "Drink Tea and Enjoy!"
If you do speak french just ignore that last sentence.
  I downloaded it, modified it to make it personal,  and printed four per page.
 I tore the labels with a ruler into equal sizes as  I didn't want the edges to look cut.
 (Actually my scissors were nowhere to be found.) 

  Each one was sewn onto a piece of card stock  measuring 4.5 x 6.5 inches.

I grabbed another piece of card stock, and sewed it onto the back, so that  I formed an envelope with a label on the front. 

Two holes were punched in the top.

 My homemade Chai was put into plastic bags from the dollar store and each card was tied with some ribbon.   To see my chai mix recipe, click H E R E !
I can take handwriting cards off my list this year.




  1. Cute,cute, cute idea. I love that it is personalized and has its own "envelope". Perfect gift. xo Diana

  2. Love this, Karen! What a great way to send a gift and card!

  3. Love me some chai! This is a perfect gift Karen! Now, sit back and have yourself a cup :)

  4. Love the presentation! Looks expensive! I'm not really a hot tea lover, but I do love this packaging. Hope you are enjoying the Christmas season!

  5. What a beautiful idea Karen - I'm a tea lover so this is perfection to me !!!

  6. I love chai and your cute little packages and tags are awsome! Now I need to go have some tea and enjoy it in a French kind of way!

  7. Beautiful and tasty idea! It looks very elegant and classy. Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  8. Love it Karen! Your packages are so pretty, and what a lovely personal touch that you made them yourself... and the tea. You are awesome!

  9. OMG, you have your own HOLE PUNCH?? I am so envious. Your tea envelopes are beautiful!!


  10. Je s'aime le te, je s'aime le chai, et quelle type de Francais est ce que tous parle, exactement? Just kidding. Not even sure if I said that correctly. Your little gift packaging is so cute. I am very intrigued by the whole sewing cardstock thing. Love this project, Karen, thanks for the inspiration!!!

  11. Those are simply adorable! I have never heard of the Graphic Fairy. I had to head over to bookmark the site. I can see many hours wasted over there!

  12. What a creative and wonderful gift, love it. Must try your tea recipe. :)

  13. OMGosh! Those are pretty and sound delicious. What a clever idea. :)

  14. That's it. I'm never coming here again. First it was the deck, then the pizza oven, and now this. I didn't even send out the free cards I received from the ELKS club!! *slumping in my chair*

  15. Oh, yes, "galon de coton" totally means "drink tea and enjoy". I'm actually galon-de-cotoning right now while reading your blog!

  16. Laughing my tush off. I asked P if that's what it means...she looked at me and said, No. She is very excited that she's world famous though. :) :) :) I do wish I was galon de coton right now with you.

  17. The bags with the tags you created are so cute! And c'mon you also concoct your own Galon de Coton?! So envious!

  18. what a truly wonderful idea! I adore tea and getting this little surprise with a postcard sure is a lovely thing

  19. Hi Karen! I just wanted to stop in real quick and wish you a Very Merry Christmas!!!


Cheers to great words!

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