Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Sister Holiday Inspired Craft

While on a recent trip to P.E.I. Canada, with two of my sisters, I couldn't help but admire all the beautiful trees and unimaginable green!  You see we had just left a bit of bad weather behind!

 We kept ourselves amused on the plane as it was a four and a half hour flight to Montreal and another jaunt to PEI.  I have no pictures to share but  I will say that one should never fall asleep on the airplane when her two younger sisters are ramped up for a good time.
 One thing I did notice were the quaint little fishing villages over every hill and around every bend in the road.

What I was so excited to share with you all, is what I found on the ground.

  I expect I looked somewhat out of sorts, knelt down under a large oak tree, harvesting acorns with the squirrels.  I know it's no big deal to most,  but to a prairie girl, It's like winning the lottery.   Oh all the things I can do with these!!
Drill small hole in cap.

Mix up a thinner glue mix using a little bit of water and glue.

Coat the acorn nut parts in the glue mix.

Roll in glitter.

Tied a loop in some string and poked the ends into the cap.

Added some hot glue to hold the ends in place and under the nut.

Glued the nut into the cap.

Cut out some Christmas tree tags.

Stamped each tag with some silver ink and a stamp

Taped the string on the tag and trimmed the overlapping tape with scissors.

This cool little stamp has 4 sides with different verses on each side.

  I hope the that the recipients can appreciate the fact that I stole nuts from those poor hungry squirrels.

Linking up with
PhotobucketFunky Junk's Sat Nite Special MakingUndertheTableandDreamingTuesday To Do Party The 36th AVENUETip Junkie


  1. Hey!! What a great idea!! Love the sparkles on
    the acorns!! Hope I get a bottle of wine with mine!!

    1. You will probably get 24 bottles. Should be ready in another week or two!

  2. Simply lovely! I love using natural elements.

    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!
    Party with the Wildly Original Crowd.

  3. I adore these glittery acorns!!!! Beautiful!

  4. These are so pretty! What a fun project, and the perfect little holiday sparkle : ) Saw you on Create.Craft.Love and came to say hello!

  5. They are so cute! I love acorns, I've been looking for them for some Christmas projects, but so far nothing! Love all the sparkles you put on them!

  6. Those are adorable! I would have never thought to do anything like that :)

  7. Great idea! I love homemade and handmade gifts!!!

  8. Awww, this is really such a sweet idea! On Saturday I took a hike in the wood and came back with a pocketful of acorns - so thanks for the inspiration!

  9. Such a cute idea! Now I have to go search out some acorns.


Cheers to great words!

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