Thursday, November 22, 2012

Funky Hand Towels

Funky hand towels!

One set of tea towels from the Dollar Store.

A piece of fabric from my wonderful sister.
 This fabric was used to make a wedding garter.  You can read about that HERE!!!

I made a paper pattern from paper of course. 

Basted using the widest stitch on my sewing machine.

Gathered to fit inside of top piece.  Top piece is pictured below.
Stitch the two pieces right side together.  The bottom edge is left open.  This is so it can be turned out.  I ironed a finished edge along the bottom open edge so that I could tuck the towel in and stitch it closed.  When I make the next ones, I will cut a piece of interfacing too.  The finished towels are a little flimsy...oops.

Should look like this.  Except with better lighting! "Who takes these pictures anyways  :D"
Mark your button hole.

My best free hand buttonhole....yikes.

A wee piece of Velcro stitched to the front.  I used the sticky Velcro from the dollar store.

The other piece of Velcro stuck to the butterfly.  Removable for washing!!


Linking up With
Thursday Favorite Things AdventuresindinnerFunky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. I love them! The polka dots and that great blue color would go perfectly well with my Christmas decor! Beautiful design!

  2. I love them. I don't think all Christmas goodies need to be made with Christmas themed fabric, etc. These are terrific. Thank you for linking to the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo


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