Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dormers Part Twelve

Drywall is well on its way   

I swear it's like someone turned a light
 on and left it on in this room
This photo was taken at the end of the day   The sun had headed west and it was getting dark, although  you  would look out the window and call me a liar!!
 Am I right? 
  That's how darned bright it is!
Things to do....add insulation, wiring and drywall to the old exterior wall.  
  We will be using styrofoam to button her up.   She will love it!    So will we.


  1. Hey, it's coming along! Windows and lighting are highest on my list of wants in a home.
    Lookin good,

  2. Oh my goodness please tell me they didn't leave your roof off! Is the brightness light reflected off snow?

  3. Oh, did you managed to hire worse workers than I had? My roof is with no insulation (yet) and it's really cold in the bedrooms... Next on the never ending to-do list!

  4. Dormers are so awesome for letting light in! This room is going to be fabulous girl!!

  5. Look at you guys, chugging away getting a lot done. I find I am more motivated to work on the house in the winter months as there just isn't as much to do around town here. Though, we are taking this winter off for once. Yay!

  6. Hey...roofs are highly overrated. Just wear a raccoon on your head and pretend you're camping out. :)



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