Friday, January 11, 2013

Home Remedy Collection: Sore Throat Soother

Join me for a series on Home Remedies for Cold/Flu Season.
Part one....HERE!
This one comes from my sister, whom on a recent trip to China, discovered the wonders of Coca-Cola!  This helps soothe a sore throat and heck.. it just tastes good!
Of course these opinions are mine and sometimes you just need a doctor!

A mug of hot Coke paired with a Lavender Heat Bag!

In a saucepan, pour one can of coke over three or four large pieces of  sliced ginger.  Bring to boil.  Remove from heat and strain.  Pour into a large mug and drink it as you would drink tea.  This instantly relieves a sore throat.  AHHHHHH the wonders of Coca-Cola.

I give this a
*4 out of 5*
It actually works!

Linking Up At
Funky Junk's Sat Nite SpecialUndertheTableandDreamingHome Stories A to ZAdorned From Aboveshabby creek cottageThursday Favorite Things


  1. Now that's different wonder if it works with coke zero since I'm an addict when it comes to my beloved coke zero :) I don't fancy it to though, but ill try it in winter

  2. found you through the blog hop and now following... will definitely try this! I love ginger!!

  3. Wow! That is an amazing recipe to know if I get a sore throat. I'm visiting from the Aloha Blog hop so come on over and say hi!

  4. Wow! I am gonna have to try this, like today. My hubby and I are trading colds. :(

    I found you from the Aloha Friday Blog Hop and am now following. I can't wait to read more. Have a great weekend!

  5. The bug has definitely been going around. Thanks for sharing! Just found your cute blog through the blog hop. I'm a new follower. Hope you'll stop by sometime!


  6. I LOVE home remedies...thanks for sharing! Found you over at the Aloha blog-hop...following you now!

    Michell @Prowess and Pearls

  7. Hello There,

    I found you on the Aloha Blog Hop! Now following you.

    Blessings Doll!
    Maya D

  8. Okay i'm SOOO trying this! I love Coca Cola and ginger and I hate the nasty OTC meds for sore throats. Thank you for linking up with the Friendly Friday :)

  9. That's wild! I drink coke for migraines and juice fresh ginger for an immune booster but I would have never thought of mixing the two. Definitely going to try this! Thank you for the nice words and for following back! Cheers from Florida! :)

  10. Wow! That's pretty cool. I have to remember this. Thanks for sharing.

    Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot

  11. Have to try this one. Been doing orange juice with a sprinkle of ground ginger for its more portable

  12. Wow this sounds interesting. I have never had warm coke! I just recovered from a nasty flu. I am going to remember this one!

  13. Who would've thought! hmmm I am going to have to try this !
    I'm your newest follower, found you though the blog hop!
    TaLou @


Cheers to great words!

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