Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Going All Halloween On You.

 Being the great armchair traveller that I am, I thought I would do a review on 

The management has slashed their prices in half.

  Customers are dying to dine at their

 and their desserts keep you coming back for more!

Each room is decorated tastefully not scrimping on luxury!
  You'll feel like you are sleeping on a pillow of leaves surrounded by

Friendly Bellhops waiting to take your life....luggage

They even grow all of their own soup ingredients picked fresh daily!

They also keep their guests updated on

Unfortunately they are now fully booked for the Fall season!
You can still book for next year......


  1. Hahahaha...you've done an awesome job! I love all your 'ween schtuff! I always say that someday I'll become a seasonal decorator.

    There's always next year....


  2. The Creepy Hollow Inn is definitely on my list of the best places to stay! Its a little far to drive but well worth it. I hear the owner of this fine establishment is a riot! Good times will be had :-) Great review turtle woman!

  3. I'd risk it. Think I'll skip the soup though.

  4. I think somebody was having WAY too much fun with pic monkey today. :) You had me chuckling the entire time, and based off of the reviews, I'd totally stay here....the cuisine sounds excellent.

  5. I'd totally brave a stay if it include a trip into the spooky wine cellar ;) What a fun Halloween post!

  6. Great spooky fun! I can see why it's all booked up.

  7. Oh- You are my kind of wacky! I just found you through Sherry @ Thrift My House. I am your newest follower and you will be on my sidebar as soon as I can get myself over there. Glad to have found you! xo Diana

  8. What fun this is. I am visiting from Sherry's at Thrift My House and your newest follower. Love your pics and Halloween Fun!!
    Too bad the place is booked this year, I'm make reservations for next season!! LOL

  9. Oh sign me up for next fall! How fun! Love that porch sign and the zombie warning sign as well!

  10. Fun, fun! :) I stopped by from Sherry's blog and so happy to meet you. I'm a new follower and look forward to getting to know you!

    Stop by and say hi when you can ~

  11. Oh my goodness, you went all out for Halloween and I love it, how fun! Sign me up for next year!

  12. How fun, what great decorations....I'm just dying to stay there lol!


  13. You do Halloween proud! Looks like it was a lot of fun. 1/2 price - darn that I missed it. ;)

  14. I think I'll wait for the Christmas special myself LMHO - great post Karen !!!

  15. Hi Karen, So fun to visit this post again. You are incredibly talented.
    Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment.
    Hugs for a great rest of the week.

  16. Is there any early (black) bird special if I book now for next year??? How fun and creepy. That scull planter is too ghoulish, love it!!


Cheers to great words!

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