Friday, June 21, 2013

A Cobblestone Path

Years ago, my Mom purchased a mold for creating cobblestone paths.  One of my genius sisters did something unique with it that I will share, soon.
 What I did with it, was what the manufacturer intended it for;  a cobblestone path.  This was just a test area, as we are thinking of making an outdoor patio area someday.  We had some left over ready-mix from one of our construction projects; six bags worth.
  Our test path isn't complete yet, but I thought I would share pics of it in the making!

This is where the path will be.  We leveled the site fairly well.  I mean I didn't get a level out, or anything as technical as that, just enough so the mold would sit flush against the ground.   I mean who does that anyways?  

The mixer...

The pouring bucket.

The mixer in action

Hubby screeding the first block
Waiting for the first block to set.  Only takes a few minutes before you pull the mold off.  The gloves to the left are what I used to push the concrete into the corners.  You could use a trowel, but I like to be hands on....I mean gloves on!

Second block done.  The maker of the mold engineered this thing to accept one bag of ready-mix per block.  Genius!  Our path will be six blocks worth.  Not a long path, but definitely a needed path.

It started to rain as we were mixing the third bag, and because we don't have an eavestrough on the garage, a steady drip was falling on one of our "cobbles"  I quickly leaned a sheet of styrofoam against the tree to save this poor little cobble from certain demise. 

And now we hurry up and wait :(
  That's always so hard for me!



  1. I love cobblestone paths! I can't wait to see the finished project!

  2. Looks like a lot of work but it also looks like it will be totally worth it!

    New followers from the Aloha Friday bloghop!

  3. That's really fun! It's going to look amazing. I can't wait to see what your sister did too. I hope the path was saved from the rain.

  4. cobble stone are so funny! Um..I recognized you by your hands there. I'm kind of jealous that you have a cement mixer. Looks like it's going to turn out lovely!

  5. hope the flood water recedes quickly. Good luck with "computerless" blogging! I am a new visitor from the Aloha blog hop and new bloglovin follower.

  6. Oh boy, I want one of those molds, it looks like lots of fun!

  7. I've found taking moss and blending it with buttermilk, then spraying it around my garden and on my pots makes moss grow. The thing is that it must remain kind of damp. Moss grows in its own environmnet, so you must recreate it. I love it.

    I also love your pathway. Just beautiful!

  8. Hi Karen,

    I really admire your being hands-on in what you do :) We are featuring your post at Pin It Monday Hop. Check out what my co-host said about your project later today. See you :)



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