Sunday, February 9, 2014

Homemade Chai Tea Bags For Your Sweetheart

I am riding the cheesy Love Train and all things heart!!
   My first stop was at  Valentine Sliders!
Next stop...Heart Chai Tea Bags.

I gathered my supplies: coffee filters, red string, heart cookie cutter, red scrapbook paper, homemade chai, RECIPE HERE!  coffee grinder, and of course my sewing machine sporting red thread!

Iron coffee filters so they are fairly flat and wrinkle free.

Trace around the cookie cutter.

Cut out

Cut small hearts from red scrapbook paper and knot each end of red thread cut to about seven inches long.  Knot will help catch on the staple of your chai label and also catch on the inside of the teabag when stitched together.

Stitch 4 hearts together with string of label in between the four layers of coffee filter at the top of the heart.  Leave an opening as shown above.  I used 4 so that the thread wouldn't rip through the paper.

I put about 1 heaping tablespoon of my homemade chai between the doubled up layers of coffee filters. ( I ran the chai mix through my spice / coffee grinder to break down into a finer mix. Stitch closed and snip threads.

How romantic is that?

All Aboard......


  1. Oh, this is so cute... Though my cats are saying they'd rather have tuna in their heartshaped bags rather than tea!

  2. Hot tea must be something you either love or hate. I've NEVER been able to drink it hot. Sugar. Milk. No sugar. It doesn't matter. I wish I DID like it.

    1. lotta joy,
      Same here. I must have ice in my tea.

  3. These are adorable!!! I love chai tea and so I'll be checking out that recipe too, but these are such a cute idea. They would make a cute little gift for that special someone, or a teacher, or a neighbor, or your grandma... so many possibilities. Pinned!!

  4. romantic, adorable and tasty! Perfect! I love chai and lately..dirty chai, thanks to Heather and Rum Chata!

  5. Awww, how cute are these!? I never thought to use coffee filter bags as tea bags. That is so genius!

  6. How good does your house smell when you are making this? YUM! I am going to look into making my own chai with your recipe there. And how cute are you making them extra sweet and full of love!

  7. I thought you were going to teach me how to breathe properly, stretch, and relax. And then I was like, Oh....Chai Tea, not Tai Chi.....

    :) Very cute!!!


  8. That's a really. Cute idea I love chai it's my afternoon treat but I've never made my own

  9. Those are so cute! Such a clever idea!

    It looks like I have fallen way behind and need to do some catching up. I truly thought I was signed up to get your posts via email, and just ASS-umed you were taking a little bloggy bread. Well, I really should have learned my lesson years ago about ASS-uming anything. I am now "officially" signed up to get your posts via email, and will do my best to get a bit caught up.....key words are "a bit!"


Cheers to great words!

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