Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dormer Dribble

 After two trips to town for more supplies (crown molding), we are here!
It only took a week.  Go Feral Turtle!

I have used this BAD BOY for many years cutting outside crown mouldings baseboards, craft crap....etc.  We got along great and did many crazy projects together!  We even built trusses for the dormers!  You've been a reliable man Delta!

  Put a man in the mix (Mr. FT), and some inside crown mouldings,
 and you get one of these BAD GIRLS!!
I hope she holds up as well as Delta Man

Yep she's suweeeeeet!
Stay tuned for more dormer drama!
Catch up on the whole series here.


  1. Oh sweet!! New toys!! I have a new woodworking bench coming today! And Phil bought me a Kreg Jig! Great things will be happenin soon...

    Loving the crown moulding...can't wait till we start doing that!


  2. That Milwaukee... she's pretty darn sexy!!! Your crown molding looks fabulous!

  3. Do not show the Mister these toys! He will be jealous and start thinking he can get sexy toys like that. I do love your crown moulding and tiles. Gorgeous!

  4. OMG I am so jealous of your saw I need one of those soooo bad! :P

  5. Ten years ago, who'd of thought that we'd be showcasing our power tools on the www with such pride, LOL? Your crown molding gives an already gorgeous ceiling that finishing touch!

  6. Oooh! New toys! Your molding looks great! I am trying to talk the hubs into putting it up in our girls bathroom, but he's being a little on the lazy side lately. Hopefully I'll have him worn down by summer! If not, feel free to bring that bad girl down here and help a girl out? lol

  7. oooh she's pretty. We have one but it doesn't look as fancy as her. The molding looks beautiful the whole dormer is going to be beautiful.

  8. Ambition AND tools? You're invincible.

  9. The crown looks beautiful! I'm not the one who uses these kinds of tools, but The Man certainly has quite a collection!

  10. These things I miss from my prior life: Tools of destruction and production and the strength to use them. Joe doesn't know a hammer from a nail, and that used to bother me. Now? If it falls down, it has to stay down.

  11. Oh Karen - over the top G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. - need more photos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I'm turning GREEN this very moment! Even that old Delta is ten times better than what I have, you lucky girl! You know me, if it has moldings it looks waaaay better ;)
    Have a great weekend!

  13. I'm so envious right now as I do everything with a little hand saw! The ceiling looks awesome.

  14. Okay...I bow to your mad power tool skills girl! Both of those beast look frightening! I would like to try someday, but I'm sure I'll need serious supervision! Your ceiling is awesome!


Cheers to great words!

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